Missing teeth can be challenging to deal with. While there are many types of tooth replacement options, finding the best fit can be difficult. For example, dental implants may be an excellent option but are often out of budget for many. Dentures can also work, but they may not suit your needs. There is one tooth replacement option that you may not have in mind but that be a great fit for your needs. Dental bridges are an excellent option if you are missing one or more teeth. Here's what to know. 

How Bridges Work

The first thing to know about dental bridges is how they work. First, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth and gums, which will then be used to create a bridge that is custom-fit for your mouth. Next, the dental bridge is anchored in place with dental crowns on the surrounding teeth next to the gap where you have missing teeth. There are different kinds of bridges available, and your dentist will help you choose one that suits your needs. 

How Long Bridges Last

Another thing to keep in mind is that dental bridges are not permanent, but they will last for years if you practice proper dental care. While a bridge won't decay like a natural tooth, your surrounding teeth and gums still can. So you still need to brush and floss around your bridge and keep up with regular dental check-ups. You will want to use a soft brush for your dental bridge and avoid abrasive toothpaste; denture cleaner is a better option. In most cases, you will only need to replace your bridge every five to seven years if you take care of it properly.

What Bridges Cost

What you pay for a dental bridge depends on the type you need, how many teeth you are missing, the materials used for the bridge, and how much your dental insurance covers. On average, dental bridges cost between $2,000 and $5,000. If you do have dental insurance, it's a good idea to call ahead and ask how much they will cover for this procedure. You will want to consider your budget when selecting a dental bridge.

There are a few things to know about dental bridges. First, knowing how they work will help you determine if one is right for your needs. Second, most bridges last for a few years with proper care. Finally, costs will vary but expect to spend at least a few thousand dollars if you don't have dental insurance. 

For more information about dental bridges, contact a local dental office.
