Tooth loss is a devastating dental problem since adult teeth don't regenerate. Teeth replacement techniques, such as dental implants, work well but are not a replacement for the real thing. You can preserve your natural teeth if you know why you might lose them in the first place. Below are some reasons people lose teeth.

1. Dental Cavities 

A combination of factors can cause tiny openings on your teeth. The openings can widen and deepen, eventually leading to tooth loss if you don't treat them early enough. Several things can cause dental cavities, but the main one is acid from oral bacteria. Oral bacteria feed on sugar and produce acid. The acid dissolves the teeth's enamel, forming cavities.

Proper oral hygiene, which involves daily brushing and flossing, is the best way to prevent dental cavities. You also need to limit sugary foods, get a regular dental cleaning, and treat emerging cavities as soon as possible.

2. Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a complication of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. Gum disease typically starts when oral bacteria and their products accumulate around your teeth. The accumulations, which dentists call plaque, inflame and irritate the gums. Over time, the infection pulls the gum away from the teeth, leaving pockets where more bacteria and debris can collect.

Over time, the bacteria can spread from the gums to other tissues around the teeth, including the jawbone. Dentists call the advanced form of gum disease periodontitis. The damage can loosen the teeth's connection with the jawbone, leading to tooth loss.

Like cavities, proper oral hygiene is a good way to keep gum disease at bay. Your risk of gum disease also increases if you smoke, experience hormonal changes, or use medications that affect your oral health. Use your regular dental consultations to ask your dentist for help preventing gum disease.

3. Dental Trauma

Lastly, oral trauma can lead to instant or delayed tooth loss. Auto accidents, slip, and fall accidents, bicycle accidents, and battery are some causes of oral trauma that can destabilize teeth.

Measures to prevent oral trauma include:

  • Using of mouth guards during contact sports
  • Avoiding hard foods that might crack the enamel
  • Avoiding habits that damage the enamel (such as nail biting)
  • Observing safety measures (such as wearing the right shoes) to reduce accident risks

Rush to your dentist as soon as possible if you experience oral trauma. The dentist may save your tooth, depending on the severity of the damage. 

For more information, contact a representative like Dr. Jon Douglas Lesan, DDS, RpH, PA.
