Do you have a young child at home that still has their baby teeth, or do they only have a few adult teeth? If so, you may have thought that it is not necessary to take them to a dentist yet. Taking a child to a pediatric dentist is crucial at a young age because they can still end up with dental problems that need to be fixed. Here are some of the common issues that your child may have regarding their teeth.


It is possible for a child to get cavities, even when they have baby teeth. Those cavities can end up causing sensitivity or pain, and a child may not know how to express what they are feeling to let you know. Even though a cavity is in a baby tooth, it's important to have it filled so that the cavity does not continue to spread and cause pain. 

Alignment Issues

Your dentist may not be an orthodontist, but they are able to examine the alignment of a child's teeth as they are coming in. This can help alert you that your child is having an issue with the alignment of their teeth that needs to be addressed. These alignment problems are typically easier to fix when they are caught early, such as when an adult tooth is coming in behind a baby tooth, and the baby tooth is not being pushed out as it is supposed to.

Lack Of Education

Another thing to consider is that a visit to the dentist is an educational experience. Kids are told to brush their teeth, but they are not sure why they have to do it. They are very young, and the consequences of not brushing and flossing regularly are not completely apparent. In addition, a child may not know how to brush and floss their teeth properly and may be doing it wrong.

Consider a trip to the dentist as a lesson in their oral health. It can help make it clear how serious it is to brush and floss their teeth the right way. Hearing the information from a dentist that can explain it better with x-rays and other visuals can really help stress the importance of taking care of your oral health at a young age.

Ready to take your child to the dentist? Reach out to a pediatric dental specialist in your area to set up their first appointment. 
