Diastema is a condition in which large gaps are present between the teeth. The large interdental spaces from diastema may negatively impact the appearance of the teeth and their functionality. Nevertheless, the gaps may be corrected orthodontically.

Here's a bit of information about diastema and its orthodontic treatment.

Gapped Teeth

Diastema, or excessive spacing between the teeth, may occur anywhere along the palate. Often, the most noticeable gaps occur between the front teeth of the upper jaw. Nevertheless, some people have large gaps between almost all of their teeth.

The excessive spacing between the teeth may be mild. However, when the spacing is severe, a person who suffers from the condition may become self-conscious about their appearance. As a result, they may seek treatment.

Does Diastema Affect the Health of the Teeth?

Gapped teeth don't directly impact oral health. However, the condition may lead to problems.

Decay and Gum Inflammation

Because of the large interdental spacing, bits of food and plaque are more apt to become trapped between the teeth. The accumulation of plaque may result in a higher incidence of tooth decay.

Plaque is a sticky combination of food particles, bacteria, and the biofilm produced by the microbes. As the bacteria in the substance feed on the carbohydrates in the mouth, they release acidic waste that decays the teeth and inflames the gums.

Bite Issues

Additionally, people with gapped teeth may experience an uneven bite that causes the application of excessive pressure to areas of the tooth enamel. This pressure may result in enamel loss.

Jawbone Atrophy

In addition, when the teeth are widely spaced, the jawbone may not receive enough stimulation to maintain its thickness.

The bone of the jaw is only stimulated in areas where the teeth reside. The teeth transfer the bite pressure received during mastication to the bone of the jaw. The pressure stimulates bone cell production.

Why Do Large Interdental Gaps Occur?

Gaps between the teeth are often genetic. However, detrimental habits, such as thumb-sucking, may force the teeth apart.

The Orthodontic Correction of Gapped Teeth

There are several orthodontic treatments that can be used to correct large gaps between the teeth. They include the following:

  • Braces. Braces can be used to move the teeth closer together.
  • Temporary anchorage devices. To help correct issues that may result from diastema, orthodontists may use temporary anchorage devices in conjunction with the braces.
  • Clear plastic aligners. Plastic aligning trays can also reposition the teeth to close interdental spaces.

If you suffer from gapped teeth, schedule a consultation with an orthodontist in your local area.
