Although many people associate tooth loss as being a problem for senior citizens, the truth is that it is a real concern for many younger adults as well. For instance, recent estimates are that nearly seven out of ten Americans between the ages of 35 and 44 are missing at least one adult tooth. If you are missing any teeth and you are ready to quit feeling self-conscious about it, it is a good idea to be aware of the following information about dental implants.

#1-How Long Will Your Dental Implants Last?

While dentures may need maintenance work in just a few years, your dental implants can last for decades with the proper care. However, the caveat of "proper care" is crucial and you need to be prepared to treat your new implant just as you would a normal tooth. Although your dental implants will never get a cavity, they could become discolored or contribute to an imperfect smile if you did not brush, floss and see your dentist as recommended in the future. 

#2-Should Patients Worry About The Failure Rates Of Dental Implants?

It is important to point out that there have been significant advances in the dental field in recent years. While it is true that, just a decade or so ago, dental implant failure was a common problem, new advances have made it possible to eliminate many of the contributing factors that caused that failure. For instance, if a jaw is not capable of supporting the additional weight of the titanium rod that supports the new teeth and the teeth themselves, bone grafts can now reinforce the jawbone to provide it with the necessary strength. In addition, a sinus lift or augmentation can provide similar reinforcement.

#3-Are Dental Implants Bad For You?

It is a good idea to consider the risks and benefits of any medical or dental procedure. You should weigh the risks against the benefits. For instance, if you are a person who has multiple allergies to pain medications, you should speak with your dentist as to the most appropriate pain management options after the surgery. Unfortunately, if you do not get dental implants and choose to live with a hole in your gum where natural teeth should be, your jaw will lose its strength over time.

Your smile will also be negatively impacted by the use of either dentures or not making any dental changes and you may find that in a few years, your cheeks have a shrunken appearance. With a limited ability to chew your food, you will have to be very careful to get all of the nutrients your body needs in order to stay healthy on a limited diet. In comparison, dental implants make your jaw healthier, and after recovering the dental work, you should be able to easily eat the foods and snacks you need. For the majority of healthy individuals, it is easy to see why dental implants have been so useful.

In conclusion, the loss of one or more of your natural teeth can make it very challenging to want to smile very often, and for younger people, a social stigma is all too common. Fortunately, by asking the above questions about dental implants when speaking with your oral surgeon or dentist , you may find that dental implants will give you back the beautiful, healthy and intact smile you deserve.

